This stop-motion animated short, titled “That Time M.J. Punched Steve Kerr in the Face” was created to support Michelle Beadle’s triumphant return to SportsNation/ESPN. In her new segment “Michelle Beadle’s Most Misunderstood Sports Stories”, Michelle shared her favorite sports moments with a unique take. As Creative Director on the project, I worked with the artists and producers to illustrate this story of a frustrated Michael Jordan in 1995, which had been told by M.J. during a radio interview. Archival images and video footage were referenced to ensure historical accuracy and a visual narrative was constructed, literally, to sync with M.J.’s words. The final product is the result of over a thousand character drawings by DC Comic artist, Trevor McCarthy, countless prop drawings by Rachel Ryle, some set building by me, and one month of shooting. It originally aired March 8, 2014.